Technical certifications in 2021
2021 has started very well. It is exciting to think about the next steps in my life and career. I have been home and looking for a new technology role, and during this time, I have been trying to make the most of my time.
Over the last weeks, I took some time to beef up and refresh my skills by focusing on Google and Amazon Web Services certifications.
After completing Google IT and AWS certifications and sharing them on LinkedIn, my profile saw a substantial increase in profile views. If you are looking for ways to show your “chops” and share your skill sets, I would recommend looking into Coursera. There is a seven-day trial available, and it would be an excellent way to see if a course would help your skillset.
The Google course was multiple weeks (though I could complete a week’s worth of material in about a day). The AWS course also focused on a few areas that deepened my skills and understanding.
The time I spent was helpful from a certification perspective and from using my time effectively and deepening my confidence in my skills and talents.
If you have questions about Coursera or certifications, let me know.